Inicial > English, Nonsense > Memory…


My memory sucks. My friends and family know what I’m talking about. Because of that, I make use of some techniques which help me remember things. For example, I always write important things down on a paper and keep it in a safe place. Then, I write a note to myself, telling me where I put that paper, just in case I forget about the place. After that, I get my phone and text myself to remind me of the note. Then, I… Uh… Oh, yeah… I send an e-mail to mysel… No! That’s not it. I tie a piece of string around my left pinky to… – or is it my right pinky? Hum… No, it’s my left pinky, for sure. Wait! I have to write this “left-pinky-thing” down before I forget about it. Where did I put my pen? Well, I can do it later. Hi. What were we talking about?

Versão em Português

Categorias:English, Nonsense
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