Inicial > Chronicles, English > Why my marriage has come to an end.

Why my marriage has come to an end.

It was a Friday evening, happy hour, and my wife, I mean, ex-wife and I were at a bar, among other couples, friends of ours, eating, drinking and shooting the breeze, as usual. The intimacy among us, couples, was huge, so it was a very open dialogue. At a certain time of the night, a small talk about “married life” popped out and then each one started talking about what the partner used to do best. Some of them said it was making love, others said it was cooking, others said it was giving massage and etc. Then my wife, I mean, ex-wife asked:
– And you, honey, what do you think I do best?
And I, completely full of innocence, answered:
– Uh, I don’t know… Sleeping?

Versão em Português

Categorias:Chronicles, English
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